
286. Ranney, S. H., S. R. Chipps, and D. H. Wahl. 2023. Effect of feeding history on metabolic rate of largemouth bass (Micropterus nigricans): implications for bioenergetics models. Canadian Journal of Zoology 102:207-216.

285. Hintz, W. D., A. P. Porreca, and J. E. Garvey. 2024. Water velocity shapes fish movement behavior. Journal of fish biology 104:1223-1230.

284. Runyon, A. D., A. P. Porreca, D. J. Yff, and J. J. Parkos III. 2024. Size-specific vulnerability of mollusks to juvenile black carp predation. Biological invasions 26:1931-1940.

283. Lederman, N., S. Collins, J. Hammen, and J. Parkos. 2024. Catching carp: a review of bigheaded carp capture strategies. Management of Biological Invasions 15:21-40.

282. Maxson, K., A. Whitten, B. Harris, A. Happel, S. Butler, J. Parkos III, A. Casper, and J. Lamer. 2023. First records of the fishhook waterflea Cercopagis pengoi Ostroumov, 1891 in the Mississippi River Basin, Illinois Waterway, USA. BioInvasions Records 12:1079-1087.

281. Radford, D. S., A. P. Porreca, C. J. Moody-Carpenter, K. A. Muller, D. B. Keeney, and R. E. Colombo. 2023. Demographics, Reproductive Characteristics, and Genetic Connectivity of Blue Suckers (Cycleptus elongatus) in a Large Tributary. Ichthyology & Herpetology 111:416-425. DOI: 10.1643/i2022042

280. Parkos III, J. J., S. E. Butler, G. D. King, A. P. Porreca, D. P. Coulter, R. MacNamara, and D. H. Wahl. 2023. Spatiotemporal variation in the magnitude of reproduction by invasive, pelagically spawning carps in the Illinois waterway. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 43:112-125

279. Effert‐Fanta, E. L., S. L. Chow, and D. H. Wahl. 2022. Effects of riparian forest and agricultural land use on stream fish diet and trophic position. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. DOI: 10.1111/eff.12686

278. Effert-Fanta, E. L., R. U. Fischer, and D. H. Wahl. 2022. Riparian and watershed land use alters food web structure and shifts basal energy in agricultural streams. Aquatic Sciences 84:1-18.

277. Detmer, T. M., H. Roberts, K. Broadway, J. Parkos, and D. Wahl. 2022. Testing theoretical frameworks of zooplankton longitudinal distribution in a large reservoir. Journal of Plankton Research 44:970-983.

276. Collins, S. F., M. J. Diana, and D. H. Wahl. 2022. Dynamic Interdependence between Anglers and Fishes in Spatially Coupled Inland Fisheries. Sustainability 14:10218.

275. Sass, G. G., S. L. Shaw, C. C. Fenstermacher, A. P. Porreca, and J. J. Parkos III. 2023 Structural Habitat in Lakes and Reservoirs: Physical and Biological Considerations for Implementation. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 43:290-303.

274. Porreca, A. P., K. J. Broadway, T. M. Detmer, D. S. Radford, C. C. Fenstermacher, and J. J. Parkos III. 2022. Fish and prey resources in reservoir coves with and without offshore artificial habitat structures. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 42:966-976.

273. Nannini, M. A., J. J. Parkos, and D. Wahl. 2022. The role of behavioral type composition on resource use and growth of a juvenile predator. Behavioral Ecology 33:767-774.

272. Detmer, T. M., J. J. Parkos, and D. H. Wahl. 2022. Long-term data show effects of atmospheric temperature anomaly and reservoir size on water temperature, thermal structure, and dissolved oxygen. Aquatic Sciences 84:1-13.

271. Porreca, A. P., S. Butler, J. S. Tiemann, and J. J. Parkos. 2022. Differential vulnerability of native and non-native mollusks to predation by juvenile black carp. Biological invasions 24:495-504.

270. Kramer, R. J., C. D. Suski, A. P. Porreca, and J. J. Parkos. 2022. Physiological and Behavioral Responses of Age‐0 Muskellunge during Simulated Stocking in Elevated pH Water. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.

269. Detmer, T. M., J. J. Parkos, and D. H. Wahl. 2022. Long-term data show effects of atmospheric temperature anomaly and reservoir size on water temperature, thermal structure, and dissolved oxygen. Aquatic Sciences 84:1-13.

268. Wilson, J. C., T. M. Detmer, D. White, and D. H. Wahl. 2021. Social influence on anti-predatory behaviors of juvenile bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) are influenced by conspecific experience and shoal composition. Hydrobiologia 848:5087-5101.

267. Wilson, J. C., T. M. Detmer, D. White, and D. H. Wahl. 2021. Non-native silver carp fail to generalize behavior when exposed to odors from three North American predators. Environmental Biology of Fishes 104:1033-1043.

266. Sullivan, C. J., M. J. Weber, C. L. Pierce, D. H. Wahl, Q. E. Phelps, and R. E. Colombo. 2021. Spatial variation in invasive silver carp population ecology throughout the upper Mississippi River basin. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 30: 375-390.

265. Wilson, J. C. D. P. White, T. M. Detmer, and D. H. Wahl. 2021. Behavioral response of juvenile silver and bighead carp to conspecific and heterospecific alarm cues. Biological Invasions 23: 2233-2248.

264. Detmer, T. M. and D. H. Wahl. 2021. Effects of habitat and fish type and diet on the behavior of Daphnia. Inland Waters 11:57-66.

263. McArtor, J., T.M. Detmer, A.P. Porreca, J.J. Parkos III, and D.H. Wahl. 2021. Do freshwater macroinvertebrates select for different substrates used in fisheries habitat enhancement? Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Sciences 114: 1-5.

262. White, D. P., and D. H. Wahl. 2020. Growth and physiological responses in largemouth bass populations to environmental warming: Effects of inhabiting chronically heated environments. Journal of thermal biology 88:102467.

261. Detmer, T. M., K. J. Broadway, J. J. Parkos III, M. J. Diana, and D. H. Wahl. 2020. Fishing efficiency of competitive largemouth bass tournament anglers has increased since early 21st century. Fisheries Management and Ecology 27:540-543.

260. Porreca, A. P., N. P. Rude, K. J. Broadway, D. H. Wahl, and J. J. Parkos. 2020. Differential Performance of Sympatric Pomoxis Species Is Explained by Habitat‐Linked Morphology. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 149:565-575.

259. Stacy‐Duffy, W. L., S. M. Thomas, D. H. Wahl, and S. J. Czesny. 2020. Factors influencing the abundance of three common nearshore fishes in south‐west Lake Michigan. Fisheries Management and Ecology 27:303-313.

258. Roth, D. R., J. J. Pesik, E. L. Effert-fanta, D. H. Wahl, and R. E. Colombo. 2020. Comparison of active and passive larval sampling gears in monitoring reproduction of invasive bigheaded carps in large-river tributaries. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.

257. White, D. P., R. E. Colombo, and D. H. Wahl. 2020. Persistently warmer temperatures lead to life history changes in bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus). Environmental Biology of Fishes 103:1165-1177.

256. White, D. P., M. A. Nannini, and D. H. Wahl. 2020. Examining the effects of chronic, lake‐wide elevated temperatures on behavioural expression in largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides. Journal of fish biology 97:39-50.

255. Fletcher, C. M., S. F. Collins, M. A. Nannini, and D. H. Wahl. 2019. Competition during early ontogeny: Effects of native and invasive planktivores on the growth, survival, and habitat use of bluegill. Freshwater Biology 64:697-707.

254. Effert-Fanta, E. L., R. U. Fischer, and D. H. Wahl. 2019. Effects of riparian forest buffers and agricultural land use on macroinvertebrate and fish community structure. Hydrobiologia 841:45-64.

253. Detmer, T. M., and D. H. Wahl. 2019. Trophic cascade strength is influenced by size frequency distribution of primary consumers and size-selective predation: examined with mesocosms and modeling. Aquatic Sciences 81:1-11.

252. Detmer, T. M., M. J. Diana, and D. H. Wahl. 2019. Season and presence of Gizzard Shad influence horizontal spatial distribution of zooplankton in reservoirs of the midwestern United States. Freshwater Science 38:183-192.

251. Detmer, T. M., K. J. Broadway, C. G. Potter, S. F. Collins, J. J. Parkos, and D. H. Wahl. 2019. Comparison of microscopy to a semi-automated method (FlowCAM®) for characterization of individual-, population-, and community-level measurements of zooplankton. Hydrobiologia 838:99-110.

250. Butler, S. E., A. P. Porreca, S. F. Collins, J. A. Freedman, J. J. Parkos, M. J. Diana, and D. H. Wahl. 2019. Does fish herding enhance catch rates and detection of invasive bigheaded carp? Biological invasions 21:775-785.

249. Butler, S. E., L. M. Einfalt, A. A. Abushweka, and D. H. Wahl. 2019. Ontogenetic shifts in prey selection and foraging behaviour of larval and early juvenile alligator gar (Atractosteus spatula). Ecology of Freshwater Fish 28:385-395.

248. Andree, S. R., and D. H. Wahl. 2019. Effects of turbidity on foraging of juvenile black and white crappies. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 28:123-131.

247. Fritts, A. K., B. C. Knights, J. H. Larson, J. J. Amberg, C. M. Merkes, T. Tajjioui, S. E. Butler, M. J. Diana, D. H. Wahl, and M. J. Weber. 2019. Development of a quantitative PCR method for screening ichthyoplankton samples for bigheaded carps. Biological invasions 21:1143-1153.

246. Sullivan, C. J., M. J. Weber, C. L. Pierce, D. H. Wahl, Q. E. Phelps, C. A. Camacho, and R. E. Colombo. 2018. Factors regulating year‐class strength of Silver Carp throughout the Mississippi River basin. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147:541-553.

245. Zhu, Z., D. T. Soong, T. Garcia, M. S. Behrouz, S. E. Butler, E. A. Murphy, M. J. Diana, J. J. Duncker, and D. H. Wahl. 2018. Using reverse-time egg transport analysis for predicting Asian carp spawning grounds in the Illinois River. Ecological Modelling 384:53-62.

244. Andree, S. R., J. J. Parkos III, M. J. Diana, C. P. Wagner, and D. H. Wahl. 2018. Evidence for cogradient growth and survival between two geographically distinct stocks of Muskellunge. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38:922-929.

243. Collins, S. F., T. M. Detmer, K. A. Nelson, M. A. Nannini, G. G. Sass, and D. H. Wahl. 2018. The release and regulation of rotifers: examining the predatory effects of invasive juvenile common and bighead carp. Hydrobiologia 813:199-211.

242. Collins, S. F., and D. H. Wahl. 2018. Size‐specific effects of bighead carp predation across the zooplankton size spectra. Freshwater Biology 63:700-708.

241. Detmer, T. M., L. M. Einfalt, J. J. Parkos, and D. H. Wahl. 2018. Comparison of mouth morphology and prey size selection among three esocid taxa. Environmental Biology of Fishes 101:449-458.

240. Diana, M. J., B. J. Diffin, L. M. Einfalt, and D. H. Wahl. 2018. Effect of Rearing Experience on the Survival, Growth, and Behavior of Hatchery‐Reared Largemouth Bass. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38:794-802.

239. French, C. G., and D. H. Wahl. 2018. Influences of dissolved oxygen on juvenile largemouth bass foraging behaviour. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 27:559-569.

238. Sanft, E., J. J. Parkos III, S. F. Collins, A. P. Porreca, and D. H. Wahl. 2018. Vulnerability of juvenile bighead and silver carps to predation by largemouth bass. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147:1207-1214.

237. Sanft, E. J., A. P. Porreca, J. J. Parkos III, T. M. Detmer, and D. H. Wahl. 2018. Effects of Ingestion of Soft Plastic Fishing Lures on Largemouth Bass. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38:718-724.

236. Weber, M. J., M. L. Brown, D. H. Wahl, and D. E. Shoup. 2017. Quantifying the spatial scale of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) recruitment synchrony. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74:1682-1691.

235. Redfern, J. C., S. J. Cooke, R. J. Lennox, M. A. Nannini, D. H. Wahl, and K. M. Gilmour. 2017. Effects of maternal cortisol treatment on offspring size, responses to stress, and anxiety-related behavior in wild largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Physiology & behavior 180:15-24.

234. Nelson, K. A., S. F. Collins, G. G. Sass, and D. H. Wahl. 2017. A response‐surface examination of competition and facilitation between native and invasive juvenile fishes. Functional Ecology 31:2157-2166.

233. Midwood, J. D., K. S. Peiman, A. E. Burt, M. Y. Sarker, M. A. Nannini, D. H. Wahl, and S. J. Cooke. 2017. Size‐dependent consequences of exogenous cortisol manipulation on overwinter survival and condition of Largemouth Bass. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology 327:5-17.

232. Diana, M. J., C. P. Wagner, and D. H. Wahl. 2017. Differences in stocking success among geographically distinct stocks of juvenile Muskellunge in Illinois lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37:633-643.

231. Collins, S. F., and D. H. Wahl. 2017. Invasive planktivores as mediators of organic matter exchanges within and across ecosystems. Oecologia 184:521-530.

230. Collins, S. F., K. A. Nelson, C. S. DeBoom, and D. H. Wahl. 2017. The facilitation of the native bluegill sunfish by the invasive bighead carp. Freshwater Biology 62:1645-1654.

229. Collins, S. F., M. J. Diana, S. E. Butler, and D. H. Wahl. 2017. A Comparison of sampling gears for capturing juvenile Silver Carp in river–floodplain ecosystems. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37:94-100.

228. Butler, S. E., and D. H. Wahl. 2017. Movements and habitat use of River Redhorse (Moxostoma carinatum) in the Kankakee River, Illinois. Copeia 105:734-742.

227. Mulhollem, J.J., R.E. Colombo, and D.H. Wahl. 2016. Effects of heated effluent on Midwestern U.S. lakes: Implications for future climate change. Aquatic Sciences 78:743-753.

226. Nannini, M.A., D. Schermerhorn, and D.H. Wahl. 2016. Lethal stomach content collection methods reduce detection of zooplankton prey of juvenile largemouth bass compared with nonlethal methods. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36:738-743.

225. Nannini, M.A. and D.H. Wahl. 2016. Does prey community composition affect the way different behavioral types interact with their environment? Oecologia 182:453-462.

224. Collins, S.F., M.J. Diana, S.E. Butler, and D.H. Wahl. 2016. A comparison of sampling gears for capturing juvenile silver carp in river-floodplain ecosystems. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36:1-7.

223. Martin, B.T., S. Czesny, D.H. Wahl, and V. Grimm. 2016. Scale-dependent role of demography and dispersal on the distribution of populations in heterogeneous landscapes. Oikos 125:667-673.

222. Gaulke, G.L., J.R. Wolfe, D.L. Bradley, P.E. Moskus, D.H. Wahl, and C.D. Suski. 2015. Behavioral and physiological responses of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) to rain-induced reductions in dissolved oxygen in an urban system. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 144:927-941.

221. Einfalt, L.M., J.P. Parkos, and D.H. Wahl. 2015. Effect of predator size and prey characteristics on piscivory of juvenile largemouth bass. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 144:682-692.

220. Collins, S.F., S.E. Butler, M.J. Diana, D.H.Wahl. 2015. Catch rates and cost effectiveness of entrapment gears for Asian carp: a comparison of pound nets, hoop nets, and fyke nets in backwater lakes of the Illinois River. North American Journal of fisheries management. 35:1219-1225.

219. Mulhollem, J.J., C.D. Suski, and D.H. Wahl. 2015. Response of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) from different thermal environments to increased water temperature. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 41:833-842.

218. Philipp, D.P., J.E. Claussen, J.B. Koppelman, S.J. Cooke, C.D. Suski, D.H. Wahl, D.A.H. Sutter, and R. Arlinghaus. 2015. Fisheries-induced evolution in largemouth bass – linking vulnerability to angling, parental care, and fitness. Black Bass Diversity: Multidisciplinary Science for Conservation Book Series: American Fisheries Society Symposium 82:223-234.

217. Binder, T.R., C.M. O’Connor, S.H. McConnachie, S.M. Wilson, M.A. Nannini, D.H. Wahl and S.J. Cooke. 2015. Is winter worse for stressed fish? The consequences of exogenous cortisol manipulation on over-winter survival and condition of juvenile largemouth bass. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiolog, Part A 187:97-102.

216. Stuck, J.G., A.P. Porreca, D.H. Wahl, and R.E. Colombo. 2015. Contrasting population demographics of invasive silver carp Hypopthalmicthys molitrix between an impounded and free flowing river. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35:114-122.

215. Wagner, C.P., M.J. Weber, and D.H. Wahl. 2015. Structural complexity influences littoral coarse woody habitat selection by juvenile muskellunge. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35:14-19.

214. Oplinger, R.W. and D.H. Wahl. 2014. Egg characteristics and larval growth of bluegill from stunted and non-stunted populations. Journal of Freshwater Ecology (DOI:10.1080/02705060.2014.947340).

213. Nannini, M.A., M.J. Diana, J.E. Claussen, D.P. Phillip, and D.H. Wahl. 2014. Assessing the long-term contribution of stocked fish to largemouth bass populations. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society (DOI:10.1080/00028487.2014.880738).

212. DeBoom, C.S. and D.H. Wahl. 2014. Piscivore enhancement effects on food webs depend on planktivore body size and species composition in replicated whole lake experiments. Hydrobiologia 736:31-49.

211. Stewart, H.A., M.H. Wolter, and D.H. Wahl. 2014. Laboratory investigations on the use of strobe lights and bubble curtains to deter dam escapes of age-0 muskellunge. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 34:571-575.

210. Shoup, D.E., K.M. Boswell and D.H. Wahl. 2014. Diel littoral-pelagic movements by juvenile bluegill in small lakes. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143:796-801.

209. Blevins, Z.W., D.H. Wahl, and C.D. Suski. 2014. Reach-scale land use drives the stress responses of a resident stream fish. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 87:113-124.

208. DeBoom, C.S. and D.H. Wahl. 2014. Effects of coarse woody habitat complexity on predator-prey interactions of four freshwater fish species. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:1602-1614.

207. Gaulke, G.L., C.E. Dennis III, D.H. Wahl, and C.D. Suski. 2014. Acclimation to a low oxygen environment alters the hematology of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 40:129-140.

206. Dub, J.D., D.H. Wahl and S.J. Czesny. 2014. Size-specific growth and mortality of juvenile yellow perch in southwestern Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research 40:179-186.

205. VanLandeghem, M.M., C.P. Wagner, D.H. Wahl, and C.D. Suski. 2013. Physiological disturbances and overwinter mortality of largemouth bass from different latitudes. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 86:716-726.

204. Oplinger, R.W., M.J. Diana, and D.H. Wahl. 2013. Population social structure and gizzard shad density influence the size specific growth of bluegill sunfish. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70:1278-1288.

203. Dub, J.D., R.A. Redman, D.H. Wahl and S.J. Czesny. 2013. Utilizing random forest analysis with otolith mass and total fish length to obtain rapid and objective estimates of fish age. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70:1396-1401.

202. Oplinger, R.W., D.H. Wahl, and D.P. Philipp. 2013. Parental influence on the size and age of maturation of bluegill. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:1067-1074.

201. Wolter, M.H. and D.H. Wahl. 2013. Field and laboratory evaluation of dam escapement in muskellunge. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:829-838.

200. VanLandeghem, M.M., D.H. Wahl, and C.D. Suski. 2013. Temporal variation in physiological responses in largemouth bass following small club angling tournaments. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:257-267.

199. Parkos, III, J.J., D.H. Wahl, and D.P. Philipp. 2013. Comment: Assessing the potential for the angling of nesting males to influence largemouth bass recruitment should consider the quality of nesting individuals. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:416-418.

198. Einfalt, L.M., D.B. Wojcieszak, and D.H. Wahl. 2013. Behavior, growth and habitat selection of hatchery esocids reared with artificial vegetation. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:345-352.

197. O’Connor, C.M., M.A. Nannini, D.H. Wahl, S.M. Wilson, K.M. Gilmour, and S.J. Cooke. 2013. Sex-specific consequences of experimental cortisol elevation in pre-reproductive wild largemouth bass. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology 319:23-31.

196. Blevins, Z.W., E.L. Effert, D.H. Wahl, and C.D. Suski. 2013. Land use drives the physiological properties of a stream fish. Ecological Indicators 24:224-235.

195. Sutter, D.A.H., C.D. Suski, D.P. Philipp, T. Klefoth, D.H. Wahl, P. Kersten, S.J. Cooke, and R. Arlinghaus. 2012. Recreational fishing selectively captures individuals with the highest fitness potential. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109:20960-20965.

194. Freedman, J.A., J.H. Hoxmeier, L.M. Einfalt, R.C. Brooks, and D.H. Wahl. 2012. Largemouth bass predation effect on stocked walleye survival in Illinois impoundments. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:1039-1045.

193. Diana, M.J., A.L. Larsen, M.J. Siepker, and D.H. Wahl. 2012. Effects of tournament compared to catch and release angling on nest abandonment of largemouth bass. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:832-837.

192. Martin B.T., S.J. Czesny, and D.H. Wahl. 2012. Effect of light intensity, prey density, and ontogeny on foraging success and prey selection of larval yellow perch (Perca Flavescens). Ecology of Freshwater Fish 21:588-596.

191. Einfalt, L.M., E.J. Grace, and D. H. Wahl. 2012. Effects of simulated light intensity, habitat complexity and forage type predator-prey interactions in walleye Sander vitreus. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 21:560-569.

190. Nannini, M.A., J. Goodrich, J.M. Dettmers, D.A. Soluk, and D.H. Wahl. 2012. Larval and early juvenile fish dynamics in main channel and backwater lake habitats of the Illinois River ecosystem. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 21:499-509.

189. Binder, T.R., M.A. Nannini, D.H. Wahl, R.Arlinghaus, T. Klefoth, D.P. Philipp and S.J. Cooke. 2012. Largemouth bass selected for differential vulnerability to angling exhibit similar routine locomotory activity in experimental ponds. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:1252-1259.

188. Shoup, D.E., M.A. Nannini, and D.H. Wahl. 2012. The effect of vegetation density on juvenile bluegill diet and growth. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 27:199-209.

187. Carter, M.W., M.J. Weber, J.M. Dettmers, and D.H. Wahl. 2012. Movement patterns of smallmouth and largemouth bass in and around a Lake Michigan harbor: The importance of water temperature. Journal of Great Lakes Research 38:396-401.

186. Weber, J.M., J.M. Dettmers, D.H. Wahl, and S.J. Czesny. 2012. Size preferences and behaviors of native yellow perch foraging on invasive round gobies. Journal of Great Lakes Research 37:584-587.

185. Nannini, M.A., J. Parkos III, and D.H. Wahl. 2012. Do behavioral syndromes affect foraging strategy and risk-taking in a juvenile fish predator? Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:26-33.

184. Wahl, D.H., L.M. Einfalt, and D.B. Wojcieszak. 2012. Effect of experience with predators on the behavior and survival of muskellunge and tiger muskellunge. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:139-146.

183. Oplinger, R.W., D.H. Wahl, and M.A. Nannini. 2011. Effect of Predators on Growth and Reproductive Investment in Bluegills: Comparison of Populations with Differing Size and Age of Maturation. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140:1532-1539.

182. Shoup, D.E. and D.H. Wahl. 2011. Body size, food, and temperature affect overwinter survival of age-0 bluegill. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140:1298-1304.

181. Wagner, C.P. and D.H. Wahl. 2011. Movement, home range and habitat selection of stocked juvenile muskellunge, Esox masquinongy, in Forbes Lake, Illinois: exploring the effects of latitudinal origin. Fisheries Management and Ecology 18:482-496.

180. Carey, M.P. and D.H. Wahl. 2011. Determining the mechanism by which fish diversity influences production. Oecologia 167:189-198.

179. Martin, B.T., S.J. Czesny, and D.H. Wahl. 2011. Vertical distribution of larval fish in pelagic waters of southwest Lake Michigan: implications for growth, survival, and dispersal. Journal of Great Lakes Research 37:279-288.

178. Wahl, D.H., Wolfe M.D., Santucci, V.J., Jr. and J. Freedman. 2011. Invasive carp and prey community composition disrupt trophic cascades in eutrophic ponds. Hydrobiologia 678:49-63.

177. Weber, M.J., J.M. Dettmers, and D.H. Wahl. 2011. Growth and survival of age-0 yellow perch Perca flavescens across habitats in southwestern Lake Michigan: early life history in a large freshwater environment. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140:1172-1185.

176. Nannini, M. A., D. H. Wahl, D. P. Philipp and S. J. Cooke. 2011. The influence of selection for vulnerability to angling on foraging ecology in largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Journal of Fish Biology 79:1017-1028.

175. Weber, J.M., J.M. Dettmers, D.H. Wahl, and S.J. Czesny. 2011. Size preferences and behaviors of native yellow perch foraging on invasive round gobies. Journal of Great Lakes Research 37:584-587.

174. Parkos, III, J.J., D.P. Philipp, and D.H. Wahl. 2011. Influence of behavior and mating success on brood-specific contribution to fish recruitment in ponds. Ecological Applications 21:2576-2586.

173. Carey, M.P. and D.H. Wahl. 2011. Foraging modes of predators and behaviors of prey determine the outcome of multiple predator interactions. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140:1015-1022.

172. Ostrand, K.G, M.J. Siepker, and D.H. Wahl. 2011. Effectiveness of livewell additives on largemouth bass survival. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 2:22-28.

171. VanLandeghem, M.M., M.P. Carey, and D.H. Wahl. 2011. Turbidity induced changes in emergent effects of multiple predators with different foraging strategies. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 279-286.

170. Siepker, M.J., K.G. Ostrand, E.L. Ball, and D.H. Wahl. 2011. Electrofishing practices have limited effects on largemouth bass feeding behavior. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30:1395-1400.

169. Carey, M.P. and D.H. Wahl. 2011. Fish diversity as a determinant of ecosystem properties across multiple trophic levels. Oikos 120:84-94.

168. Butler, S.E. and D.H. Wahl. 2011. Distribution, movements, and habitats use of channel catfish in a river with multiple low-head dams. River Research and Applications 27:1182-1191.

167. Shoup, D.E. and D.H. Wahl. 2010. The effects of turbidity on prey selection by piscivorous largemouth bass. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138:1018-1027.

166. Cooke, S.J., J.F. Schreer, D.H. Wahl, and D.P. Philipp. 2010. Cardiovascular performance of six species of field-acclimatized centrarchid sunfish during the parental care period. The Journal of Experimental Biology 213:2332-2342.

165. Redpath, T.D., S.J. Cooke, C.D. Suski, R. Arlinghaus, P. Couture, D.H. Wahl, and D.P. Philipp. 2010. The metabolic and biochemical basis of vulnerability to recreational angling after three generations of angling induced selection in a teleost fish. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67:1983-1992.

164. Parkos, III, J.J. and D.H. Wahl. 2010. Intra- and intersystem variation in largemouth bass recruitment: reproduction, prey availability, and the timing of year-class establishment. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139:1372-1385.

163. DeBoom, C.S., M.M. VanLandeghem, D.H. Wahl, and M.J. Siepker. 2010. Effects of four hook removal techniques on feeding, growth and survival of deeply hooked largemouth bass. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30:956-963.

162. Carey, M.P., K.O. Maloney, S.R. Chipps, and D.H. Wahl. 2010. Effects of littoral habitat complexity and sunfish composition on fish production. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 19:466-476.

161. Parkos, III, J.J. and D.H. Wahl. 2010. Influence of body size and prey type on the willingness of age-0 fish to forage under predation risk. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139:969-975.

160. VanLandeghem, M.M., D.H. Wahl, and C.D. Suski. 2010. Physiological responses of largemouth bass to acute temperature and oxygen stressors. Fisheries Management and Ecology 17, 414-425.

159. Carey, M.P. and D.H. Wahl. 2010. Native fish diversity alters the effects of an invasive species on food webs. Ecology 91:2965-2974.

158. Weber, M.J., J.M. Dettmers, D.H. Wahl, and S.J. Czesny. 2010. Effects of predator-prey interactions and benthic habitat complexity on selectivity of a foraging generalist. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139:1004-1013.

157. Butler, S.E. and D.H. Wahl. 2010. Common carp distribution, movements, and habitat use in a river impounded by multiple low-head dams. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139:1121-1135.

156. Hewitt, D.A., J.S. Link, D.H. Wahl, S.J. Cooke, and M.E. Mather. 2009. Maintaining the competitiveness of the American Fisheries Society Journals: an assessment based on influence and cost-effectiveness. Fisheries 35:598-606.

155. Carter, M.W., J.M. Dettmers, D.H. Wahl, and D.E. Shoup. 2009. Effects of turbidity and cover on prey selectivity of adult smallmouth bass. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139:353-361.

154. Diana, M.J. and D.H. Wahl. 2009. Growth and survival of four sizes of stocked largemouth bass. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29 (6):1653-1663.

153. Hoxmeier, R.J.H. and D.H. Wahl. 2009. Factors influencing short-term hooking mortality of bluegills and the implications for restrictive harvest regulations. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:1372-1378.

152. Wolfe, M.D., V.J. Santucci, Jr., L.M. Einfalt, and D.H. Wahl. 2009. Effects of common carp on reproduction, growth, and survival of largemouth bass and bluegills. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138:975-283.

151. Wagner, C.P., L.M. Einfalt, A.B. Scimone, D.H. Wahl. 2009. Effects of fin-clipping on the foraging behavior and growth of age-0 muskellunge. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:1644-1652.

150. Carey, M.P. and D.H. Wahl. 2009. Interactions of multiple predators with different foraging modes in an aquatic food web. Oecologia 162:443-452.

149. Shoup, D.E. and D.H. Wahl. 2009. Fish diversity and abundance in relation to interannual and lake-specific variation in abiotic characteristics of floodplain lakes of the lower Kaskaskia River, Illinois. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138:1076-1092.

148. Shoup, D.E. and D.H. Wahl. 2009. The effects of turbidity on prey selection by piscivorous largemouth bass. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138:1018-1027.

147. Hoxmeier, R.H., D.D. Aday, and D.H. Wahl. 2009. Examining inter-population variation in bluegill growth rates and size structure: effects of harvest, maturation, and environmental variables. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138:423-432.

146. Aday, D.D., J.J. Parkos, III, and D.H. Wahl. 2009. Population and community ecology of Centrarchidae Chapter 6, pp. 134-164 in: Centrarchid Fishes: Diversity, Biology, and Conservation. Cooke, S.J. and D.P. Philipp (eds.). Wiley-Blackwell Press.

145. Siepker, M.J., S.J. Cooke, D.P. Philipp, and D.H. Wahl. 2009. Individual reproductive success of largemouth bass and smallmouth bass subjected to different components of competitive angling events. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138:818-825.

144. Redpath, T.D., S.J. Cooke, R. Arlinghaus, D.H. Wahl, and D.P. Philipp. 2009. Life-history traits and energetic status in relation to vulnerability to angling in an experimentally-selected teleost fish. Evolutionary Applications 2 (2009):312-323.

143. Wahl, D.H., M.J. Diana, J.J. Parkos III, R.W. Oplinger, C.S. DeBoom, E.L. Effert, M.P. Carey, B.P. Olds, J.E. Claussen, B.L. Barthel, M.M. VanLandeghem, J.A. Stein, C.P. Wagner, M.A. Nannini, L.M. Einfalt, C.D. Suski, and D.P. Philipp. 2009. 150 years of fishery science: changes, progress, and the role of the Illinois Natural History Survey. Chapter 11, pages 177-198 in J. Taft, C. Taylor, and C. Warwick, eds. Canaries in the catbird seat. Illinois Natural History Special Publication 30.

142. Cooke, S.J., P.J. Weatherhead, D.H. Wahl, and D.P. Philipp. 2008. Parental care in response to natural variation in nest predation pressure in six sunfish (Centrarchidae: Telostei) species. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 17:628-638.

141. Shoup, D.E. and D.H. Wahl. 2008. The effect of largemouth bass predation on overwinter survival of two size classes of age-0 bluegill. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137:1063-1071.

140. Diana, M.J. and D.H. Wahl. 2008. Long-term stocking success of largemouth bass and the relationship to natural populations. American Fisheries Society Symposium 62:413-426.

139. Wahl, D.H., J. Goodrich, M.A. Nannini, J.M. Dettmers, and D.A. Soluk. 2008. Exploring riverine zooplankton in three habitats of the Illinois River ecosystem: where do they come from? Limnology and Oceanography 53: 2583-2593.

138. Glover, D.M., J.M. Dettmers, D.F. Clapp, and D.H. Wahl. 2008. Yellow perch stock structure in Lake Michigan: an analysis using mark-recapture data. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65:1919-1930.

137. Chipps, S.R. and D.H. Wahl. 2008. Bioenergetics modeling in the 21st century: reviewing new insights and revisiting old constraints. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137: 298-313.

136. Maloney,K.O., H.R. Dodd, S.E. Butler , and D.H. Wahl. 2008. Changes in habitat, macroinvertebrates, and fish in a medium sized river following dam failure. Freshwater Biology 53: 1055-1068.

135. Cooke, S.J., C.D. Suski, K.G. Ostrand, D.H. Wahl, and D.P. Philipp. 2007. Physiological and behavioral consequences of long-term artificial selection for angling vulnerability in a teleost fish. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 80: 480-490.

134. Beauchamp, D., D.H. Wahl, and B.M. Johnson. 2007. Predator-prey interactions. Chapter 16 pp 765-842 in: M.L. Brown and C.S. Guy (eds). Analysis and Interpretation of Freshwater Fisheries Data. Allen Press.

133. Wagner, C.P. and D.H. Wahl. 2007. Evaluation of temperature-selection differences among juvenile muskellunge originating from different latitudes. Chapter 9 in: J.S. Diana and T.L. Margenau (eds). The Muskellunge Symposium: a Memorial Tribute to E.J. Crossman. Springer.

132. Wahl, D.H., L.M. Einfalt and S.P. Callahan. 2007. Sublethal effects of electrofishing on bluegill: effects on feeding and susceptibility to predation. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27:1208-1213.

131. Wagner, C.P. and D.H. Wahl. 2007. Survival, growth, and tag retention of age-0 muskellunge implanted with passive integrated transponders. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27:873-877.

130. Wagner, C.P. and D.H. Wahl. 2007. Evaluation of temperature-selection differences among juvenile muskellunge originating from different latitudes. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 79: 85-98.

129. Herwig, B.R., D.H. Wahl, J.M. Dettmers, and D.A. Soluk. 2007. Energy resources and food web structure in main channel habitats of a large floodplain river assessed using stable isotopes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64:495-508.

128. Tiemann, J.S., H.R. Dodd, N. Owens, and D.H. Wahl. 2007. Effects of low-head dams on unionids in the Fox River, Illinois . Northeastern Naturalist 14:125-138.

127. Siepker, M.J., K.G. Ostrand, S.J. Cooke, D.P. Philipp, and D.H. Wahl. 2007. A review of the effects of catch-and release angling on black bass, Micropterus spp.: implications for conservation and management of populations. Fisheries Management and Ecology 14:91-101.

126. DeVries, D.R., G.G. Grossman, D.H. Wahl, J.A. Stone, F.M. Utter, C.A. Jennings , and D.M. Kimball. 2007. A perspective on the decision to establish an AFS marine journal. Fisheries 32:30.

125. Shoup, D.E., S.P. Callahan, D.H. Wahl, and C.L. Pierce. 2007. Size-specific growth of bluegill, largemouth bass, and channel catfish in relation to prey availability and limnological variables. Journal of Fish Biology 70:21-34.

124. Hoxmeier, R.J.H., D.H. Wahl, R.C. Brooks , and R.C. Heidinger. 2006. Growth and survival of age-0 walleye: interactions among walleye size, prey availability, predation, and abiotic factors. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63: 2173-2182.

123. Parkos, J.J. III, V.J. Santucci, Jr., and D.H. Wahl. 2006. Effectiveness of a plastic mesh substrate cover for mitigating the effects of common carp on aquatic ecosystems. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:861-866.

122. Edison , T.W., D.H. Wahl, M.J. Diana, and D.P. Philipp, D. J. Austen. 2006. Angler opinion of potential bluegill regulations on Illinois lakes: Effects of angler demographics and bluegill population size structure. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:800-811.

121. Galarowicz, T.L., J.A. Adams, and D.H. Wahl. 2006. The influences of prey availability on multiple ontogenetic diet shifts and growth of a juvenile piscivore. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63 (8): 1722-1733.

120. Graeb, B.D.S, M.T. Mangan, J.C. Jolley, D.H. Wahl, and J.M. Dettmers. 2006. Ontogenetic changes in prey preference and foraging ability of yellow perch: insights based on relative energetic return of prey. Transaction of the American Fisheries Society 135:1493-1498.

119. Siepker, M.J., K.G. Ostrand, D.P. Philipp, and D.H. Wahl. 2006. Evidence of reduced reproductive success of nesting largemouth bass sampled with standard electrofishing procedures. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:631-635.

118. Cooke, S.J., D.P. Philipp, D.H. Wahl, and P.J. Weatherhead. 2006. Energetics of parental care in six syntopic centrarchid fishes. Oecologia 148:235-249.

117. Siepker, M.J., K.G. Ostrand, and D.H. Wahl. 2006. Effects of angling on feeding by largemouth bass. Journal of Fish Biology 69:783-793.

116. Aday, D.D., D.P. Philipp, and D.H. Wahl. 2006. Sex-specific life history patterns in bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus): interacting mechanisms influence individual body size. Oecologia 147:31-38.

115. Ostrand, K.G., M.J. Siepker, and S.J. Cooke. 2006. Capture efficiencies of two hook types and associated injury and mortality of juvenile muskellunge angled with live baitfish. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:622-627.

114. Aday, D.D., D.E. Shoup, J.A. Neviackas, J.L. Kline, and D.H. Wahl. 2005. Prey community responses to bluegill and gizzard shad foraging: Implications for growth of juvenile largemouth bass. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134:1091-1102.

113. Galarowicz, T.L. and D.H. Wahl. 2005. Ontogenetic foraging patterns of a young-of-year piscivore: the role of prey type and density. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62:2330-2342.

112. Graeb, B.D.S., T.L. Galarowicz, D.H. Wahl, and J.M. Dettmers. 2005. Foraging behavior, morphology, and life history variation determine the ontogeny of piscivory in two closely related predators. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62:2010-2020.

111. Ostrand, K.G., M.J. Siepker, S.J. Cooke, W.F. Bauer, and D.H. Wahl. 2005. Largemouth bass catch rates and injury associated with non-offset and offset circle hook configurations. Fisheries Research 74:306-311.

110. Claramunt, R.M., D.E. Shoup, and D.H. Wahl. 2005. Comparison of push and tow nets for sampling larval fish: Implications for assessing littoral habitat utilization. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25:86-92.

109. Ostrand, K.G., S.J. Cooke, J.E. Garvey, and D.H. Wahl. 2005. The energetic impact of overwinter prey assemblages on age-0 largemouth bass. Environmental Biology of Fishes 72:305-311.

108. Suski, C.D., S.J. Cooke, S.S. Killen. D.H. Wahl, D.P. Philipp, and B.L. Tufts. 2005. Behaviour of walleye (Sander vitreus L.) and largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides L.) exposed to different wave intensities and boat operating conditions during livewell confinement – insights from videography. Fisheries Management and Ecology 12:19-26.

107. Ostrand, K.G., S.J. Cooke, and D.H. Wahl. 2004. Effects of stress on largemouth bass reproduction. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:1038-1045.

106. Cooke, S.J., C.D. Suski, K.G. Ostrand, B.L. Tufts, and D.H. Wahl. 2004. Behavioral and physiological assessment of low concentrations of clove oil anesthetic for handling and transporting largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Aquaculture 239:509-529.

105. Graeb, B.D.S., J.M. Dettmers, D.H. Wahl, and C.E. Caceres. 2004. Fish size and prey availability affect growth, survival, prey selection, and foraging behavior of larval yellow perch. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133:504-514.

104. Ostrand, K.G., B.J. Braeutigam, and D.H. Wahl. 2004. Consequences of vegetation density and prey species on spotted gar foraging. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133:794-800.

103. Chipps. S.J. and D.H. Wahl. 2004. Development and evaluation of a mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) bioenergetics model. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133:1150-1162.

102. Garvey, J.E., K.G. Ostrand, and D.H. Wahl. 2004. Energetics, predation and ration affect size-dependent growth and mortality of fish during winter. Ecology 85:2860-2871.

101. Herwig, B.R., D.A. Soluk, J.M. Dettmers, and D.H. Wahl. 2004. Trophic structure and energy flow in backwater lakes of two large floodplain rivers assessed using stable isotopes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61:12-22.

100. Hoxmeier, J.H., D.H. Wahl, C.L. Pierce, and M.L. Hooe. 2004. Growth and survival of larval walleye in response to prey availability. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133:45-54.

99. Chipps, S.R., J.A. Dunbar, and D.H. Wahl. 2004. Phenotypic plasticity and vulnerability to predation in juvenile bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus). Oecologia 138:32-38.

98. Cooke, S.J., K.G. Ostrand, C.M. Bunt, J.F. Schreer, D.H. Wahl, and D.P. Philipp. 2004. Angling-induced cardiac disturbance of free-swimming largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) monitored with heart rate telemetry. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 20:28-36.

97. Aday, D.D., D.H. Wahl, and D.P. Philipp. 2004. Assessing population-specific and environmental influences on bluegill life histories: a common garden approach. Ecology 84:3370-3375

96. Cooke, S.J., K.G. Ostrand, C.M. Bunt, J.F. Schreer, D.H. Wahl, and D.P. Philipp. 2003. Cardiovascular responses of largemouth bass to exhaustive exercise and brief air exposure over a range of water temperatures. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 132:1154-1165.

95. Kolar, C.S. and D.H. Wahl, and M.L. Hooe. 2003. Piscivory in juvenile walleye: relative importance of prey species, timing of spawning of prey fish, and density on growth and survival. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 132:679-690.

94. Cooke, S.J., and D.H. Wahl. 2003. Management and ecology of lake and reservoir fisheries. Book review. Fish and Fisheries 4:191-192.

93. Gutreuter, S., J.M. Dettmers, D.H. Wahl. 2003. Estimating mortality rates of adult fishes from entrainment through the propellers of river towboats. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 4: 646-661.

92. Parkos, J.J.III, V.J. Santucci, Jr., and D.H. Wahl. 2003. Effects of adult common carp (Cyprinus carpio) on multiple trophic levels in shallow mesocosms. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 60:182-192.

91. Aday, D.D., D.H. Wahl, and D.P. Philipp. 2003. A mechanism for social inhibition of sexual selection in bluegill. Journal of Fish Biology 62:486-490.

90. Santucci, V.J. Jr. and D.H. Wahl. 2003. The effects of growth, predation, and first-winter mortality recruitment of bluegill cohorts. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 132:346-360.

89. Galarowicz, T.L. and D.H. Wahl. 2003. Differences in growth, consumption, and metabolism among walleye from different latitudes. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 132:425-437.

88. Aday, D.D., R.J. H. Hoxmeier, and D.H. Wahl. 2003. Direct and indirect effects of gizzard shad on bluegill growth and populations size structure. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 132:47-56.

87. Brooks , R.C., R.C. Heidinger, R.J.H. Hoxmeier, and D.H. Wahl. 2002. Relative survival of three sizes of walleye stocked into Illinois lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22: 995-1006.

86. Aday, D.D., C.M. Kush. D.H. Wahl, and D.P. Philipp. 2002. The influence of stunted body size on the reproductive ecology of bluegill Lepomis macrochirus. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 11: 190-195.

85. Parkos, J.J. III and D.H. Wahl. 2002. Towards an understanding of recruitment mechanisms in largemouth bass. American Fisheries Society Symposium 31: 25-46.

84. Fuhr, M.A., D.P. Philipp, and D.H. Wahl. 2002. Fall abundance of age-0 largemouth bass is more important than size in determining age-1 year class strength in Illinois . American Fisheries Society Symposium 31: 91-100.

83. Cooke, S.J., J.F. Schreer, D.H. Wahl, and D.P. Philipp. 2002. Physiological impacts of catch-and-release angling practices on largemouth bass and smallmouth bass. American Fisheries Society Symposium 31: 489-512.

82. Hoxmeier, R.J.H. and D.H. Wahl. 2002. Evaluation of supplemental stocking of largemouth bass across reservoirs: effects of predation, prey availability and natural recruitment. American Fisheries Society Symposium 31: 639-647.

81. Cooke, S.J., J.F. Schreer, D.H. Wahl, D.P. Philipp, C.D. Suski, and B.L. Tufts. 2002. Interfacing cardiac physiology with fisheries management through studies of catch-and-release angling effects on Centrarchid fishes. Pages 27-31 IN, K. Gamperl, A.P. Farrell and MacKinlay. Cardiovascular Physiology of Fish. International Congress on the Biology of Fishes. Vancouver , BC .

80. Catalano, M.J., S.R. Chipps, M.A. Bouchard, and D.H. Wahl. 2001. Evaluation of injectable fluorescent tags for centrarchid fishes: mark retention and effects on vulnerability to predation. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 21: 911-917.

79. Cooke, S.J., C.M. Bunt, J.F. Schreer, and D.H. Wahl. 2001. Comparison of several techniques for mobility and activity estimates of smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieu Lacepede, in lentic environments. Journal of Fisheries Biology 58: 573-587.

78. Dettmers, J.M., S. Gutreuter, D.H. Wahl, and D.A. Soluk. 2001. Patterns in abundance of fishes in main channels of the upper Mississippi river system. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58: 933-942.

77. Dettmers, J.M., D.H. Wahl, and D.A. Soluk. 2001. Life in the fast lane: fish and food webs in the main channel of large rivers. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 20: 255-265.

76. Hoxmeier, R.J.H, D.D.Aday, and D.H. Wahl. 2001. Factors influencing precision of age estimation from scales and otoliths of bluegills in Illinois reservoirs. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 21: 374-380.

75. Cooke, S.J., J.F. Schreer, D.H. Wahl, and D.P. Philipp. 2000. Locomotory dynamics as indicators of stress in fish – remote measures utilizing activity transmitters. pp. 77-86 in: Stress in fish: New Directions. Barton, B, T. Pottinger, G. Iwama, and D. MacKinlay (eds.) University of Aberdeen Press , Scotland.

74. Claramunt, R.M. and D.H. Wahl. 2000. The effects of abiotic and biotic factors in determining larval fish growth rates: a comparison across species and reservoirs. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 129: 835-851.

73. Chipps, S.R., D.F. Clapp, and D.H. Wahl. 2000. Variation in routine metabolic rate of juvenile muskellunge: evidence for seasonal metabolic compensation in fishes. Journal of Fish Biology 56: 311-318.

72. Chipps, S.R., L.M. Einfalt, and D.H. Wahl. 2000. Growth and food consumption by tiger muskellunge: effects of temperature and ration level on bioenergetic model predictions. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 129: 186-193.

71. Santucci, V.J., Jr., D.H. Wahl, D.F. Clapp. 1999. Efficiency and selectivity of sampling methods used to collect channel catfish in impoundments. American Fisheries Society Symposium 24:317-328.

70. Dettmers, J.M. and D.H. Wahl. 1999. Evidence for zooplankton compensation and reduced fish growth in response to increased juvenile fish density. Hydrobiologia 400:115-121.

69. Wahl, D.H. 1999. An ecological context for evaluating the factors influencing muskellunge stockingsuccess. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 19:238-248.

68. Irwin, E.R., J. Rahel, D.L. Parrish, and D.H. Wahl. 1998. Enhancing professsionalism: awards and grants for student members of the American Fisheries Society. Fisheries 23:20-23.

67. Kolar, C.S. and D.H. Wahl. 1998. Daphnid morphology deters fish predators. Oecologia 116:556-564.

66. Eberts, R.C., V.J. Santucci, Jr., and D.H. Wahl. 1998. Suitability of the lake chubsucker as prey forlargemouth bass in small impoundments. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 18:295-307.

65. Jonas, J.L. and D.H. Wahl. 1998. The relative importance of direct and indirect effects of starvation for young walleye. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 127:192-205.

64. Swisher, B.J., D.A. Soluk, and D.H. Wahl. 1998. Non-additive predation in littoral habitats: influences of habitat complexity and behavior. Oikos 81:30-37.

63. Einfalt, L.M. and D.H. Wahl. 1997. Prey selection by juvenile walleye as influenced by prey morphology and behavior. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54:2618-2626.

62. Kolar, C.S., J. C. Boase, D.F. Clapp, and D.H. Wahl. 1997. Potential effect of invasion by an exotic zooplanktor, Daphnia lumholtzi. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 12:521-530.

61. Mayer, C.M. and D.H. Wahl. 1997. The relationship between prey selectivity and growth and survival in a larval fish. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54:1504-1512.

60. Claramunt, R.M., J.J. Parkos, III, R.J.H. Hoxmeier, and D.H. Wahl. 1997. Pike biology and exploitation. Book Review. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.126:544-545.

59. Clapp, D.F., Y. Bhagwat, and D.H. Wahl. 1997. The effect of thermal stress on walleye fry and fingerling mortality. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 17:429-437.

58. Clapp, D.F. and D.H. Wahl. 1996. Comparison of food consumption, growth, and metabolism among muskellunge: an investigation of population differentiation. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 125:402-410.

57. Szendrey, T.A. and D. H. Wahl. 1996. Size-specific survival and growth of stocked muskellunge: effects of predation and prey availability. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 16:395-402.

56. Smith, T.B., D.H. Wahl, and R.I. Mackie. 1996. Volatile fatty acids and anaerobic fermentation in temperate piscivorous and omnivorous freshwater fish. Journal of Fish Biology 48:829-841.

55. Brecka, B.J., D.H. Wahl, and M.L. Hooe. 1996. Growth, survival, and body composition of largemouth bass fed various commercial diets and protein concentrations. Progressive Fish-Culturist 58:104-110.

54. Wahl, D.H. 1995. Effect of habitat selection and behavior on vulnerability to predation of introduced fish. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52:2312-2319.

53. Smith, T.B., C.S. Kolar, T.L. Galarowicz, S.P. Callahan, and D.H. Wahl. 1995. Theory and application in fish feeding ecology. Book review. Copeia 1995:992-993.

52. Brecka, B.J., C.C. Kohler, and D.H. Wahl. 1995. Effects of dietary protein concentration on growth, survival and body composition of muskellunge Esox masquinongy and tiger muskellunge Esox masquinongy x E. luscius fingerlings. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 26:416-425.

51. Wahl, D.H., L.M. Einfalt, and M.L. Hooe. 1995. Effect of experience with piscivory on foraging behavior and growth of walleye. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 124:756-763.

50. Liao, H., C.L. Pierce, D.H. Wahl, J.B. Rasmussen, and W.C. Leggett. 1995. Relative weight (Wr) as a field assessment tool: relationships with growth, prey biomass, and environmental conditions. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 124:387-400.

49. Szendrey, T.A. and D.H. Wahl. 1995. Effect of feeding experience on growth, vulnerability to predation, and survival of esocids. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 15:610-620.

48. Wahl, D. H., R. A. Stein, and D.R. DeVries. 1995. An ecological framework for evaluating the success and effects of stocked fishes. American Fisheries Society Symposium 15:176-189.

47. Brecka, B.J., M.L. Hooe, and D.H. Wahl. 1995. Comparison of growth, survival, and body composition of muskellunge and tiger muskellunge fed four commercial diets. Progressive Fish-Culturist 57:37-43.

46. Santucci, V.J., Jr., D.H. Wahl, and T. Storck. 1994. Growth, mortality, harvest, and cost effectiveness of stocked channel catfish in a small impoundment. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 14:781-789.

45. Welker, M.T., C.L. Pierce, and D.H. Wahl. 1994. Growth and survival of larval fishes: the roles of competition and zooplankton abundance. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 123:703-717.

44. Hooe, M.L., D.H. Buck, and D.H. Wahl. 1994. Growth, survival, and recruitment of hybrid crappie stocked in small impoundments. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 14:137-142.

43. Wahl, D.H. and R.A. Stein. 1993. Comparative population characteristics of muskellunge (Esox masquinongy), northern pike (E. lucius), and their hybrid (E. masquinongy x E. lucius). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50:1961-1968.

42. Santucci, V.J., Jr. and D.H. Wahl. 1993. Factors influencing survival and growth of stocked walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) in a centrarchid-dominated impoundment. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50:1548-1558.

41. Santucci, V.J., Jr. and D.H. Wahl. 1991. Use of a creel census and electrofishing to assess centrarchid populations. American Fisheries Society Special Publication 12:481-491.

40. Wahl, D.H. and R.A. Stein. 1991. Food consumption and growth of three esocids: field tests of a bioenergetic model. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 120: 230-246.

39. Hooe, M.L. and D. H. Buck. 1991. Evaluation of F1 hybrid crappies as sport fish in small impoundments. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 11:564-571.

38. Brown, P.B., P. Tazik, M.L. Hooe, and W.G. Blythe. 1990. Consumption and apparent dry matter digestibility of aquatic macrophytes by male and female crayfish (Orconectes virilis). Aquaculture 89:55-64.

37. Brown, P.B., M.L .Hooe, and W.G. Blythe. 1990. Preliminary evaluation of production systems and forages for culture of Orconectes virilis, the northern or fantail crayfish. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 21:53-58.

36. Wahl, D.H. and R.A. Stein. 1989. Comparative vulnerability of three esocids to largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) predation. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 46: 2095-2103.

35. Tinsley, V.R., L.A. Nielsen, and D.H. Wahl. 1989. Pushnet sampling as a supplement to seine sampling in rivers. Fisheries Research 7: 201-206.

34. Mather , M.E. and D.H. Wahl. 1989. Comparative mortality of three esocids due to stocking stressors. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 46: 214-217.

33. Brown, P.B., M.L. Hooe, and D.H. Buck. 1989. Preliminary evaluation of baits and traps for harvesting Orconectid crayfish from earthen ponds. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 20:208-213.

32. Wahl, D.H., K.A. Bruner, and L.A. Nielsen. 1988. Trophic ecology of freshwater drum in large rivers. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 4: 483-491.

31. Wahl, D.H. 1988. Managing Muskies. Book review. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 117: 95-96.

30. Wahl, D.H. and R.A. Stein. 1988. Selective predation by three esocids: the role of prey behavior and morphology. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 117: 142-151.

29. Storck, T. and D. Newman. 1988. Effects of size at stocking on survival and harvest of channel catfish. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 8:98-101.

28. Henebry, M.S., R.W. Gorden, and D.H. Buck. 1988. Bacterial populations in the gut of the silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix).The PRogressive Fish-Culturist 50:86-92.

27. Storck, T. and D. Newman. 1988. Effects of size at stocking on survival and harvest of channel catfish. 1988. North American Journal of Fisheries Managment 8:98-101.

26. Wahl, D.H. and R.A. Stein. 1987. Application of liquid oxytetracycline in formulated feeds to mark and treat tiger muskellunge (northern pike x muskellunge). The Progressive Fish-Culturist 49: 312-314.

25. Newman, D.L., and T.W. Storck. 1986. Angler catch, growth, and hooking mortality of tiger muskellunge in small centrarchid-dominated impoundments. American Fisheries Society Special Publication 15:346-351.

24. Buck, D. Homer and Michael L. Hooe. 1986. Comparative growth of Northern largemouth bass and F1 hybrid largemouth bass through three growing seasons. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 115:296-304.

23. Newman, D.L. T.W. Storck. 1986. Angler catch, growth, and hooking mortality of tiger muskellunge in small centrarchid-dominated impoundments. American Fisheries Society Special Publication 15: 346-351.

22. Wahl, D.H. and L.A. Nielsen. 1985. Feeding ecology of the sauger (Stizostedion canadense) in a large river. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 42: 120-128.

21. Rice, T., D. H. Buck, R. W. Gorden, and P. P. Tazik. 1984. Microbial pathogens and human parasites in an animal waste polyculture system. The Progressive Fish-Culturist 45(4):230-238.

20. Buck, Homer, S. R. Malecha, and R. J. Baur. 1983. Prawn/fish production using different types and loadings of swine manure. Journal of World Mariculture Society. 14531-532.

19. Nielsen, L.A. , D.H. Wahl, and V.R. Tinsley. 1982. Investigation of the feasibility of commercial bait-minnow fishing on the Ohio River . Pages 22-42 in T. Crawford and M. Freeze (editors). Proceedings of the 11th Annual Meeting of the Inland Commercial Fisheries Association, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, Little Rock , Arkansas , USA.

18. Hansen, M.J. and D.H. Wahl. 1981. Selection of small Daphnia pulex by yellow perch fry in Oneida Lake , New York . Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 110: 64-71.

17. Malecha, S. R., D. H. Buck, R. J. Baur, and D. R. Onizuka. 1981. Polyculture of the freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, Chinese and common carps in ponds enriched with swine manure. Aquaculture 25(2,3):101-116.

16. Buck, Homer, S. R. Malecha, and R. J. Baur. 1981. Polyculture of freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) with two combinations of carps in manured ponds. Journal of the World Mariculture Society. 12(2):203-213.

15. Storck, T. and W.T. Momot. 1981. Movements of the creek chub in a small Ohio stream. Ohio Journal of Science 81:9-13. Baur, Richard, J., D. Homer Buck, and C. R. Rose. 1979. Production of Age-0 largemouth bass, smallmouth bass and bluegill in ponds stocked with grass carp. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 108:496-498.

14. Buck, D. H., R. J. Baur, and C. R. Rose. 1979. Experiments in recycling swine manure in fishponds. Pages 489-492. In: T.V.R., Pillay and Wm. A. Dill (eds.) Advances in Aquaculture, papers presented at FAO Technical Conference on Aquaculture, Kyoto , Japan , 26 May – 2 June 1976.

13. Buck, D. Homer, Richard J. Baur, and C. R. Rose. 1978. Utilization of swine manure in a polyculture of Asian and North American Fishes. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 107(1):216-222.

12. Buck, D. H., R. J. Baur, and C. Russell Rose. 1978. Polyculture of Chinese carps in ponds with swine manure. IN: Symposium of Culture of Exotic Fishes. Fish Culture Section, American Fisheries Society, Atlanta , Georgia . Jan 4, 1978. 144-155.

11. Storck, T.W., D.W. Dufford, and K.T. Clement. 1978. The distribution of limnetic fish larvae in a flood control reservoir in central Illinois . Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 107:419-424.

10. Buck, D. Homer. 1977. The interactions of aquaculture with agriculture. Fisheries a Bulletin of the American Fisheries Society 2(6):11-16.

9. Buck, D. H., R. J. Baur, and C. R. Rose. 1977. Experiments in the recycling of swine manure using a polyculture of Asian and North American fishes. In: Agriculture and Energy, W. Lockeretz (ed.) 750 pp. Academic Press New York.

8. Baur, R. J., D. H. Buck, and C. R. Rose. 1976. Three years of experience with a channel catfish catchout pond in Illinois . Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 105(2):247-253.

7. Buck, D. H., R. J. Baur, and C. R. Rose. 1975. Comparison of the effects of grass carp and the herbicide diuron in densely vegetated pools containing golden shiners and bluegills. Progressive Fish-Culturist 37(4):185-190.

6. Buck, D. Homer, Richard J. Baur, and C. R. Rose. 1973. An experiment in the mixed culture of channel catfish and largemouth bass. Progressive Fish-Culturist 35(1):19-21.

5. Bennett, G.W., H. W. Adkins, and W.F. Childers. 1973. The effects of supplemental feeding and fall drawdowns on the largemough bass and bluegills at Ridge Lake , Illinois . Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 31:28 pp.

4. Buck, D. Homer and Charles F. Thoits III. 1970. Variation in carp production in replicate ponds. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 99(1):74-79.

3. Bennett, G.W., H.W. Adkins, W.F. Childers. 1969. Largemouth bass and other fishes in Ridge Lake, Illinois, 1941-1963. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 30:67 pp.

2. Buck, D. Homer and Charles F. Thoits III. 1965. An evaluation of Peterson estimation procedures employing seines in 1-acre ponds. Journal of Wildlife Management. 29(3):598-621.

1. Bennett, G.W. 1954. Largemouth bass in Ridge Lake , Coles County, Illinois. Bulletin of the Illinois Natural History Survey. Vol 26 59pp.